Washing Dirty Laundry
Topic: Advertising (Unethical Tactics) Characters: Bruce Seth, project manager at a consumer products company Priscilla Wheeling, Bruce’s boss Bruce Seth, a project ma
The Pizza Puzzle
Topic: Deceptive Advertising Characters: George Hansen, General Manager, Augusta Marigold Inn, Subsidiary of Hospitality Enterprises Sharon Coombs, Food Services Manager, Augusta M
The Nonuser Celebrity Endorser
Topic: Deceptive Advertising Characters: Annie, Copywriter for Laird & Laird Advertising; Lance Willard, Well-known and popular Hollywood movie star Victor, President of Laird
The Competitive and Combative Toilet Tissue Campaign
Topic: Critical Advertising of Competitor Characters: Clyde, Product manager for Wonderwipe toilet tissue; Peg, Copywriter for Finch & Ascher (F&A) Advertising Agency Ray,
Green Acres Promotion
Topic: Advertising Sales/Promotion Characters: Cathy and Dave, a well-to-do professional couple Al, a real estate salesman Cathy and Dave are young, upwardly mobile. They ho
Cosmetic Applications
Topic: Package Labeling and Advertising Characters: Hans, Cosmetics Group Product Marketing Manager; Maria, Assistant Marketing Communications Manager Maria is an Assistant