TICE – Turkish Integrity Center of Excellence


What is Anti-Corruption Collective Action?

When taken together, businesses, civil society and the public sector can more effectively fight corruption.
 When taken together, private sector , civil society and the public sector can more effectively fight corruption.
Anti-corruption Collective Action initiatives  may include industry standards, multi-stakeholder initiatives and public-private partnerships. The focus is often on the “supply” side of bribes,.
Companies engage with other stakeholders to deal with paying bribes. Companies interact with other stakeholders to fight with paying bribes.
The World Bank Institute defines the Anti-corruption Collective Action  as;  ‘A long-term solidarity process based on collaborative work among stakeholders. It increases the impact and credibility of individual action, brings vulnerable individual players into alliances with the same think tanks, and levels the playing field between competitors.“
In practice, we define these categories of Anti-corruption Collective Actions:
  • Anti-corruption declaration
  • Standard or principles-based initiative, including a certification model for monitoring and auditing adherence to a bribery-free contract
  • Integrity Agreement

TICE Collective Action Initiatives

January 2024

"PERYÖN Business Ethics Principles” was prepared

May 2023

Responsible Miner Initiative

February 2023

TEID 200 Members Celebration Concert

June 2022

Turkish Shipowners’ Code of Ethics Declaration Event

June 2022

TEID and SEDEFED “Ethical Declaration on Business Ethics Principles”

February 2022

“2022 – TEID Members Meeting and Signature of TEID Integrity Pledge”

October 2017

Third Party Ethics and Compliance Risks and Management of International Companies Turkey

May 2017

Investor Relations Professionals Ethics Declaration Turkey

January 2016

TICE Cross-Sector Ethics Declaration Turkey

October 2015

Turkish Business World Dialogue Platform Turkey

December 2014

Collective Action Hub by
Basel Institute on Governance Global Hub

January 2013

Customs Consultants Ethics Statement Signing Ceremony Turkey

February 2012

TICE Cross-Sector Ethics Declaration Turkey

Listed Companies
Declaration of Ethics